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My name is Marie Banner and I live in Denia in the Costa Blanca with my husband Steve and my little boy Albie who is currently 4.  We moved here in January 2020 and haven't looked back. I am quite a spiritual person and love doing Yoga, Meditation and anything energy based especially while the sun is setting.  I also enjoy going on walks in the countryside, exploring the wildlife and spending time at the beach with my family.   


I believe that by helping babies and children to sleep better I can create a positive nurturing environment where everyone is living life to their full potential and getting the most out of the special time they have together.  I also believe that the knock on effect that this will have on their futures and their emotional well being as adults will be massive.


I give parents the belief, drive, motivation, understanding and acceptance to learn the skills they need to make decisions but most importantly to trust themselves and their own instincts.


I provide parents with a bespoke plan that they can follow and then arrange daily catch up calls to tweak and adjust the plan, so that it fits perfectly with them and the needs of their family.

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